Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jayden the dog trainer

Dog Day

We have been studying financial literacy in maths, part of our study was the cost of looking after them. We had the opportunity today to met some real pets and hear about how much money and commitment it takes to have them. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Who's going to be on top at the end of term one?

The rich list changes every week, lets see who comes out on top at the end of term.
It has been great to see people spending money wisely, saving, and being smart with what they have.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Woodwork masters

We designed our own wooden necklaces!

Here they are all sanded and stained.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

An afternoon of wood work.

We have designed our own necklaces out of kauri and rimu wood.
Now we are sanding them to get them nice and smooth before we polish them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So much going on in Room 3

 Carley's amazing house, it even has a TV!

Community logos getting sorted

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

More outstanding builders in our community

Beautiful house Joshua!
Amazing creative house Cheyanne!

Carley is so good at BOP IT!

Many people struggle with this game, not Carley, she could go all day!

The Rich List so far

We are learning to be wise and save our money.

Student led conferences coming up this thursday!

Make sure you let your family know and return your completed form so you can get an interview time. I Look forward to meeting your families.

Monday, March 9, 2015

The house that Lennox built.

Outstanding job Lennox on completing your homework task to design and build your own house! This is going to look great displayed in our class for all to see.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The jobs are underway

Ahmad is the news and weather presenter, every morning he delivers the news and weather to the class

Josh is one of the roll callers hard at work

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Another class debate.

'Girls are better than boys...' this was our topic for persuasive writing and debating. There were some very strong arguments for both sides.

Jaice was so good today in PE!

Jaice received player of the day today during PE. She produced some amazing catches and threw the ball a super long way during our game of 3 ball cricket. Well done Jaice!
Here she is in action.